How sales use Salesgang

Right work with Pipedrive CRM

Right work with Pipedrive CRM

Do you manage deals in Pipedrive properly? Do they have close date, planned activities, value greater than zero, ...? Salesgang checks all for you and give you list of deals to watch and complete information.

SalesGang looks for not ideal parameters of the deals and summarise them for you.

1:1 Sales meeting

1:1 Sales meeting

SalesGang helps you to have data for sales meetings. Filter report for 1 sales manager and last week - see sales performance, open deals, forecast, deals with low health index (needs action) or Top deals.
Go to the details and plan activities to move deals.

View Your Pipeline History

View Your Pipeline History

Salesgang's reports provide a detailed view of your pipeline history, allowing you to see how deals have progressed over time and identify any trends that may impact your future sales (decreasing pipeline value).

It helps you to choose between focus on new deals or work on existing deals and speed up pipeline velocity.

Grow Your Business

Grow Your Business

By analyzing your pipeline data and identifying opportunities for improvement, Salesgang can help you grow your business and increase your success rate.

The Deal Health Index, in particular, can provide valuable insights into which deals are on good way to close and which may need additional attention or support.

SalesGang does what Pipedrive Insights can't or is complicated.