Pipedrive Analytics with great Pipedrive dashboards
Get the most out of your deals with pre-defined reports created by experts, insights, forecasting, and a Deal Health Index to help you optimize your efforts in Pipedrive CRM. Improved Pipedrive Analytics with top-class Pipedrive dashboards.
No credit card required
Have your pipelines & team under control
Changes in pipeline
With SalesGang, you can see what happened in the pipeline last week. Look at deals with changed value or nice graph of pipeline value in last 3 months. Very useful is list of deals with changed Close date or Value.
Deal Health Index
SalesGang's Deal Health index gives you a quick overview of how each deal is progressing. It helps you identify any potential issues and take action to keep things moving smoothly.
Easily find deals with low health and take action.
What are the main Benefits?
Deals under control
Have peace of mind and no surprises at the end of the month.
See the last changes in the pipeline and Insights to fine-tune your sales strategy.
Shorter sales cycles
Focus on rights deals, plan activities in CRM and do lost bad deals to clean the pipeline.
Review deals with low Health Index.
Accurate data in CRM
Find deals with errors like close date in the past or deals without planned activities.
Make decisions based on accurate data.
No credit card required
Sales Forecasting
See how your deals are likely to develop over time, helping you plan cash flow, make informed decisions and change short term strategy.
Do you have enough deals for next Q?
Performance of each sales manager
Track the performance and activity of individual sales managers (deal owner) over time, giving you a clear understanding of who is driving the most success.
CRM change log
Control changes made in Pipedrive CRM by deal owners. You can see all important changes chronologically (stage changed, value changed and 8 more). List is filtered by owner, time interval or change type. For example, see which deals changed stage or pipeline last week - great information for 1:1 meetings.
Weekly Email Reports
Get every Monday a summary of the previous week. Be prepared for sales meetings and 1:1 review. Find out details in Dashboard. Customize your email with selected pipelines.
Customers deals in numbers
Deals tracked last month by SalesGang
Deals won last month
Average deals won ratio
Directors saved monthly on analysis
Your Data is Safe with Salesgang
At SalesGang, we take security very seriously. That's why we have developed a Data Manifesto to ensure that your data is handled responsibly and in accordance with the highest standards of data protection.
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Improve Your Pipedrive Reports with SalesGang
Create account, connect Pipedrive, have reports in 2 minutes.